오상호 원장
수부외과 - 수지접합 & 수부외상(손과 손목의 골절, 힘줄/신경/인대 손상, 다발성 압궤손상), 외상 후 재건 - 미세수술 & 미세재건술, 족지전이술, 신경수술 - 수부질환(손 저림, 손과 손목의 통증, 구축, 변형, 관절염), 수부종양, 손과 발의 선천성 기형 재건성형외과 - 피부괴사, 미세재건(피판술, 피부이식), 사지재건, 낫지 않는 상처 - 안면부 외상 (성인 소아 열상, 코뼈골절, 광대뼈골절, 안와골절), 화상, 피부종양, 흉터성형
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- 대한 수부외과학회 수부외과 세부전문의
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- 계명대학교 의과대학 대학원 성형외과학 박사과정 수료
- 대구 W 병원 수부외과 및 미세재건센터 전임의 수료
- 대구 W 병원 수부외과 및 미세재건센터 과장
- 대전 새손병원 수부외과 및 성형외과 원장
- 대한 성형외과학회 정회원
- 대한 수부외과학회 정회원
- 대한 미세수술학회 정회원
- 대한 말초신경수술학회 정회원
- 대한 창상학회 정회원
- 대한 두개안면성형외과학회 정회원
- 대한 미용성형외과학회 정회원
- AOCMF principle course 이수
- 대만 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 미세수술센터 연수
- 대한 미세수술학회 미세수술 카데바 워크샵 (Cadaver workshop) 이수
- 2017 키르기즈스탄 국립소아병원 의료봉사
- 대한 미세수술학회 미세수술 워크샵 (Microsurgery workshop) 이수
- 유럽 수부외과학회 Advanced Techniques in Peripheral Nerve Surgery: Cadaveric Masterclass 2023 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 연수
- 대한 수부외과학회 Young Surgeon-Scientist Session 연자 우수상
- 대만 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (장경기념병원) - Master Cadaver Dissection Course: Microsurgical Vascularized Lower Extremity Flap Transfer 연수
학회, 논문
- Comparison of Pedal Soft Tissue Thickness Between Diabetics and Non-Diabetics.
- Report on changes in hand trauma caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The timing of Free Flap for Reconstruction of Upper and Lower Extremity.
- An Epidermoid Cyst Along the Sensory Branch of Digital Nerve with Focal Neuropathy: A Case Report.
- Wide-second dorsal metacarpal artery perforator flap for resurfacing the first webspace.
- Trigger Wrist with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Accompanied with Trifid Median Nerve.
- Modified Oblique Axis Hypothenar Free Flaps – Ulnar digital artery of small finger perforator free flap.
- Results of Vascularized Toe Joint Transfer for PIP joint Reconstruction in crushed Hand Injury.
- Modified Oblique Axis Hypothenar Free Flaps – Ulnar digital artery of small finger perforator free flap.
- Clinical Experiences of Mycobacterial Infections in Hand & Wrist.
- My Experiences as Young Plastic Hand Surgeon
2017 미국 성형외과학회 Plastic Surgery The Meeting, Florida Orlando.
2020 대한미세수술학회 추계학술대회 연자
2020 대한미세수술학회 추계학술대회 연자
2021 대한수부외과학회 추계학술대회 포스터
2021 대한수부외과학회 추계학술대회 연자
2022 대한성형외과학회 수부연구회 연자
2023 대한성형외과학회 기초재건 학술대회 Research and Reconstructive Forum 연자
2023 대한미세수술학회-대한수부외과학회 합동 심포지움 연자
2024 대한수부외과학회 추계학술대회 연자
2024 대한수부외과학회 추계학술대회 연자
2023 PRS KOREA 연자발표
1. Long term results of secondary alveolar bone grafting using a technique to harvest pure calvarial cancellous bone: Evaluation based on plain radiography and computed tomography. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. 2017;70(3):352-359.
2. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of an Alar Transfixion Suture for the Correction of a Vestibular Web and Alar-Facial Groove: A Photogrammetric Analysis. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2018;80(5):519-524.
3. Comparison of Pedal Soft Tissue Thickness Between Those With and Without Diabetes. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2018;57(5):860-864.
4. Location of the umbilicus in Korean women and its changes after breast reconstruction with an ipsilateral pedicled rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2018;45(5):425-431.
5. Subsegmental Osteotomy Technique With Distraction Osteogenesis for Natural Frontal Contouring in Metopic Synostosis. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. 2019;56(1):101-104.
6. Correlation between the inframammary fold and sixth rib: Application to breast reconstruction. Clinical Anatomy. 2020;33(2):165-172.
7. Effective Treatment Using Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Necrotizing Fasciitis of Scalp Originating from Odontogenic Infection. Journal of Wound Management. 2020;16(1):68-72.
8. Meningothelial Hamartoma of the Scalp. Archives of Craniofacial Surgery. 2020;21(3):180-183.
9. Open Carpal Release Using Local Anesthesia Without a Tourniquet: Does Bleeding Tendency Affect the Outcome? Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2020;47(6):597-603.
10. Risk of Necrosis in the Adjacent Toe After One-Toe Fillet Flap in Diabetic Foot: Retrospective Study of 107 Cases Over 5 Years. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2020;28(3): 2309499020951944.
11. Congenital Bilateral Second Metacarpophalangeal Joint Stiffness. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2021;48(3):293-294.
12. Reconstruction of the First Web Space Using the Wide-Second Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Perforator Flap. Archives of Hand and Microsurgery. 2021;26(2):118-124.
13. An Epidermoid Cyst along the Sensory Branch of Digital Nerve with Focal Neuropathy: A Case Report. Archives of Hand and Microsurgery. 2021;26(4):315-318.
14. Predictive Factors of Keloid Formation in Congenital Foot Syndactyly. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2023;9(11):e3946.
15. Impact on the Service Volume of a Single Hand Surgery Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period in Daegu. Archives of Hand and Microsurgery. 2022;27(1):23-32.
16. Anatomical Study of the Close Association between Latissimus Dorsi and Surrounding Muscles. How to Safely Harvest the Muscle? Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2023;49:596-603.
17. Trigger Wrist with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Accompanied with Trifid Median Nerve; A Case Report and Literature Review. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2023;49:750-754.
18. Oblique Axis Hypothenar Free Flaps: Tips for Harvesting Larger Flaps with Minimal Donor Site Morbidity. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2023;50:279-287.
19. A large fibrotic nodule on the A1 pulley with severe tenosynovitis after repetitive prolotherapy in trigger finger: a case report. Journal of Surgical Case Reports. 2023;7(8):1-3.
20. Sesamoid arthritis with locked metacarpophalangeal joint misdiagnosed as trigger finger: a case report. Archives of Hand and Microsurgery. 2023;28(4):281-286.
21. Various hand tumors: over 20 years of clinical experience in Korea. Archives of Hand and Microsurgery. 2023;28(4):250-259.
22. The Zitelli bilobed flap for soft tissue coverage after mucoid cyst resection: a retrospective cohort study. Archives of Hand and Microsurgery. 2024;29(2):90-95.